My take on a new "blogging" concept that's pretty good

I think “blogging” sucks.

Well, that’s a counterintuitive statement to declare on a so called blog. But bare with me.

The typical blog have posts, those posts contains information, perhaps about a “Today’s clothing”, or something somewhat more alluring, perhaps … perhaps useful information. A serious blogger will publish these posts at a steady rate, at least a couple times a week.

I tried it. It didn’t suit me. And this is why:

My ideas need to incubate###

When I first tried to blog, with wordpress, I was fired up. This is it! Lets do it! I often thought “This is something interesting, I should write about this”. But I didn’t have the time, or energy to write about it at that time. So I didn’t write it at all.

This time, I’m doing things a bit different.

I decided to separate my writing into two columns:

####Growing Ideas / Published Ideas####

Whenever I think “Hey, this is interesting, other people want to know about this” - I add a new item to the list of growing ideas. It can be a one liner, or it can be detailed. It’s a loose end. It’s not a post, it’s just an idea.

Then, I can let that idea grow, incubate, and when I feel I have the time, energy or perhaps just figured out how to put that idea into words, I continue to write on it. No commitment. Just your current train of thought.

This is how it currently looks: My idea interface

This works very well for me. It is actually a lot of fun just inventing ideas to write about later. I can challenge myself with complicated subjects. Adding an complex idea, telling my unconscious to slowly start to massage that idea into easier and clearer thoughts.

If you find the classic way of blogging unsatisfying, I recommend the concept of free ideas. I like it.